As I mentioned a few years ago when I created the blog, I wanted a place where I could put the job postings I got without having to simply discard them. Though I post quite a few of them, the little time I have to do so means I still don't get around to post them all before they expire. I have been wondering though lately whether this blog was a good idea.
I have some questions for readers:
- How did you find out about the blog?
- What do you use it for?
- Have you applied to, or even gotten a job from any of the postings here?
- If you haven’t, do you know of anyone who has?
Do you have any other feedback or comments for the blog? Feel free to leave a response in the comment/reply section of this post. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
Your comment won’t become public unless you specifically mention in the post that you wish for it to be public. Thanks in advance!
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